Sunday, August 27, 2006

Belly shots

Side shot week 26--pregnancy, overall, has been a very good experience! I can't believe this is my last week of my 2nd trimester.

Front shot week 26 (yesterday)

Week 17 picture


  1. beautiful! you are beautiful, your belly is beautiful...and i can't wait to see pics of your beautiful girl when she makes her much anticipated arrival! can you believe how far you have come girl? keep enjoying these last few weeks and all those sensations going on in there. sometimes i miss owen's reassuring kick :)

  2. My sister is so adorable! I will miss rubbing your belly and feeling little bebe McKay kick. ;(
    But, it won't be long until I can hold her and give her lots of kisses. Can't wait for that day!

  3. The first photo is deceiving :) I read that you were just departing your second trimester and thought, "Oh dear!" But when the camera pulls back and puts all of you in perspective, your belly bump is much daintier than my first impression. You look fabulous! (and should you choose to have another after this little lady arrives, these pictures will likely resemble the 5th or 6th WEEK instead of month--just wait and see :o)

  4. Okay, so there is a 10 week difference between the pictures? I'm not losing my mind :O) You are so tiny besides that tummy--amazing, good for you!

  5. Jess--yes, 10 week difference between the shots below and the shots above. :) I am really growing like crazy these days.

  6. you are beautiful! I am so excited that I will be able to watch you grow...keep the pictures coming

  7. That's so cool. Of course, I could take pictures of my belly and it would look pretty similar to yours right now!

    Can't wait to see pics of the new widdle baby to come. Doggies and babies...I just can't resist 'em.

  8. That's so cool. Of course, I could take pictures of my belly and it would look pretty similar to yours right now!

    Can't wait to see pics of the new widdle baby to come. Doggies and babies...I just can't resist 'em.

  9. Patrice, you are hilarious! There is no way your belly is preggo big right now...unless, there is something you aren't telling us...
