Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rolling Over

The product of four weeks of regimented practice; roll Mag roll!


  1. This looks like it was very cute, but I can't see it. It just keeps saying *Loading*. Bummed, because I would love to see it. :) Try photobucket. :)

  2. YAY! I saw it!!!! hehe! Just took a while to load. Go MAGS!! :) Zoe is doing that too! :) And from back to stomach! Woo hoo!

  3. Yah, Mags! Uncle Steve and Auntie Shannon are so proud! I love that she starts to cry, then realizes what she did and is stoked. ;)

  4. This made it to the list of the Top 10 Cutest things I've Ever Seen.

    Cayla and I are protesting that we have to see Mags on You Tube instead of having her here with us. Come back to Cali!

  5. Finally saw the video and it is the cutest thing! She kinda scared herself at first, then realized, "Oh my Gosh, I just rolled over. I've been trying to do that for weeks!" Then she started pumping her fists with a big grin like..I don't know...adorable!

  6. go maggie, go maggie, it's your birthday...well, not yet. great job mags!
