Saturday, November 10, 2007

stone cold

Though she might not know it, my good friend Leslie in Chicago inspired me to go "stone cold sippy cup" with Mags (remember when we ate Korean barbecue that night and you and Beth were talking about big girl beds, sippy cups, and such, Les?). Her one year birthday is around the corner, she will be drinking milk, and not using bottles. I figured, let's do it now. So, on Monday I started to use the Nuby and it's been relatively easy. There have been a few feedings that were dragged out over an hour or more period, but the last few days have been pretty much flawless. Thus, I feel I can say that she is totally weaned from the bottle. How great is that?! I love that she can hold the cup herself and sit in her carseat as we drive and drink it, or just sit on the floor or in her highchair and drink. Big girl!

Up next and NOT looking forward to it: the bink (our word for pacifier). Might as well do it now! I knew I should have done it in August, as I literally watched her mentally become aware of it and become dependent upon it. Wish us luck!


  1. Yay for sippy cups! I'd like to know how it goes with the bink, I was thinking about it the other day. Neither of the boys ever wanted one, but Shiloh loves hers, and, of course, it's too early to be taking it from her yet, but I was wondering how hard it's going to be when the time comes.

  2. Ah, the "bink". LOL. We never had a pet name for Angelina's. Just Pacifier. haha. We took Angelina's away at 2 years old. Clearly too long to be having a pacifier. You may have a couple nights of screaming, but after that she should get over it. It might not even be that bad. :) Zoe never wanted one THANK GOD! If we ever have any more I am not going to even offer it. Too much stress on me.

    As for the sippy cup. :) love em! Zoe is still using the bottle too. But she is using sippy cups too. The Dr. Brown's one is nice, but may be a little on the intermediate sippy cup user side. :) As Zoe hasn't adapted to the hard sipper part yet. I will do like I did with Angelina and let her have the bottle til she is 1.5 years old. By then she only had bottles at night before bed and sometimes in the morning. I then just took it away. No issues. My doctor told me when Zoe was 10 months old to let Zoe "play around" with the sippy cup to see if she liked it, and then slowly start to wean her off the bottle to the sippy cup, and he did verify my thoughts about the 1.5 years thing, so that made me feel like I at least did 1 thing right with Angelina. :) LOL.

    Oh, and the Wagon Wheels.... those are with the *puffs* and the rice cereal, and the other snacks for toddlers. They are in a tin container. Made my Gerber. It says Wagon Wheels on the container. :) Hope that helps!

    Adios Chica!

  3. Another good topic! Jake has not figured out the sippy cup thing. He just chews on it. I might have to go cold turkey with him also. Are you giving Mags milk or formula still? And I can't imagine naptime or bedtime without the binky yet. Brave woman!

  4. YAY Sippy!! I am thrilled to be an inspiration. I had my own recently. Beth inspired me to get rid of the pacifier. Trinity is over 2-1/2 y.o. which I think is way to long to have it but I was terrified of the transition and kept talking myself out of it. Then, Beth took Spencer's away when he had a cold and didn't want to use it since his nose was stuffy.
    I will admit that the benefit of Trinity being so old was that I was able to reason with her. She was able to understand that she is no longer a baby and doesn't need it anymore. Of course, I bought her a new Cinderella doll to sleep with to ease the transition. We are on day 11 with no pacifier and doing well. She didn't take a nap the first couple days but night-time she was fine. I am so happy it is over with and to be on this side of it. If you are passionate about getting rid of it and it is bothering you, now is the time. Jump in feet first!

  5. Hooray! I'm so glad to hear that Mags is doing super with her sippy cups now! Big girl! It's hard to not want to give back in, but it only makes it worse. I am definitely one of those "cold turkey" people as well (as you know) so I see the great benefit of this. I hope the paci withdrawal goes easily. The sooner the better and like everyone has said, there may be a few rough days, but she'll get used to it. Does she have a special blankie or something that she loves that could be an extra comfort for her?? Oh, you know what else someone told me about - cut off the tips of the paci and give it to her. She'll stop wanting it, of course, because the sucky part is gone. Just a thought, then you could toss them if that doesn't phase her.


  6. I clipped the end off of Kenna's passy and handed it to her. When it didn't work right, I told her it was broken and it was time for her to throw it away. She is the one who physically put it in the trash can!!

  7. As Leslie said, Spencer was getting frustrated at sleeping times since he had a cold and couldn't effectively use his paci. We just didn't offer it to him and he hasn't really asked for it since. It worked out great! I was thinking this transition was going to be messy. It has been fine. Hang in there. You are doing great.
