Wednesday, May 28, 2008


For the past few months, we have been suspicious that a squirrel was living in our attic. At first, it seemed like it was just racing footsteps on the roof (and it probably was), but slowly, it started to sound like they were directly overhead. Sure enough, about 5 weeks ago, we noticed that the squirrel (whom we have affectionately called "DS" for "damn squirrel" because well, what *else* does one call such an unwelcomed animal who has invaded your space?!) had clawed its way through the fascia above our garage. We called a company to come out and set up a trap last week and within 24-hours, I drove up to this picture above! Unless you have ever had such a problem, you cannot appreciate the joy I felt!

Unfortunately, we also noticed a few weeks ago that "DS" seemed to have, we have been squirrel hunting with our bb gun, as well (because the trap is $85 and the removal of the trap with the squirrel is $85...ah, the joys of home ownership!). My husband, the sharp-shooter, took one out this weekend (for those less faint of heart, pictures can be provided upon request). YET, "DS's" ghost or a possible other girlfriend seems to continue hanging around. I drove up two days ago and a little squirrel face was poking its head out! We have affectionately named this one "WB" (I'll let you figure that one out). SO, another trap was set out today and handymen are coming tomorrow to patch the hole. I'm ready to be done with rodents for awhile.


  1. WB -- hmmmm. Not sure! But, my brain is not functioning right now.

    ANOTHER squirrel? Hearing that you caught the squirrel made me happy. :) But not so much now that there is another one. I remember you saying this when we chatted last night. Sheesh!

  2. Ummmm, I'll have you know that having a squirrel in my home would be the joy of the century for me- I LOVE SQUIRRELS!!! Perhaps I will pull out my bb gun and shot you guys next time I see you :-) long live the squirrels!!!

  3. the only thing I can think of for WB would get my mouth washed out with soap. :(
