Wednesday, May 7, 2008

wordless wednesday

I know these have been few and far between this last month, but I hope to reinstate the WW. I had Maggie's pictures taken professionally last week with a woman who ended up being a long-lost family friend from our days in OKC (CC and RMeyer, do you remember Gail and Bill Brewer? Their daughter, Vanessa, lives here with her family; we had so much fun reminiscing about life when we were kids.). Anyway, if you live in the Dallas- area, I highly recommended Vanessa for future photo shoots. What a *gifted* artist! Click here to learn more.

Grayson had a shoot before we did and hung around; they don't often do this, but it was too sweet to pass up when I said, "Maggie, give Grayson a kiss." They even have their eyes closed! :)


  1. adorable. i especially love the hands in the air!

  2. You posted my fave pics! =) She is a doll!

  3. I love her bows, my sisters and I used to wear those every day!!!

  4. those are good...i want to see them all!

    i can't believe they even have their eyes aron ok with this?

  5. So, so, cute!! The first one is my favorite!!!

    And, uh, what's up with the kissing!!!? :)
