Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy 6th birthday, Maggie!

6 years ago this week, I became a mother.  Thank you, Maggie, for that privilege.  You are a joyful, playful, creative, kind, helpful daughter.  You love people, talk easily with adults, and have wonderful stories to tell!  You do a killer Scottish accent and continue to grow in your love and God-given talent for art. I absolutely delight in seeing you create new pieces.  You are fun to be around, give me awesome help around the house and with your siblings, and have really big emotions, just like your mama. You don't like to disappoint, have a tender heart for those who are hurting, and love to read books. Daddy and I have been encouraged this year by your maturity as we see fruit from our labors to train your heart to love Jesus more and others well.

Happy 6th, baby.  We love that you are in our family.  xoxo