Sunday, February 6, 2011

this and that

Lately, we've been doing much of the same things in our weeks and I'm loving the stability and routine. Blogging has lapsed as I've been busy with the family and doing our weekly activities. Here's a bit of this and that to fill you in.

Lately, I feel like I'm really enjoying motherhood, really being purposeful in my time with my sweet, sweet kids. We all go through funks in this role, but lately, I've been able to see some personal growth when it comes to areas where I struggle in motherhood. As this new year began, I started to pray about what my words for year would be and God brought to mind several that have stuck with me: "pray more," "play more (with my kids)", and "give more (finances)." This article from Simple Mom nailed it perfectly. I encourage you to read it, too.

This article (also from Simple Mom) about leaving your children a legacy has been playing over and over in my mind for weeks. Weeks and weeks. Her words were absolutely haunting to me: "I don't want my children to remember me only in silhouette--a face turned toward a screen." This line was a catalyst for an earlier post of mine on rethinking social media. I want to be purposeful as much as possible in my daily interaction with my children.

I finally started exercising again; going to the gym 2x a week with my friend Casey and trying to do "30 Day Shred" on my non-gym day. Setting my sights on my a half-marathon later this year.

After an almost-2 year lapse, I've begun meeting with a new friend for early morning coffee and accountability. I first did this with my sister for 4 years, then with my friend Erin for 2 years. Now, we all live far, far away and I've been craving this fellowship. I love early mornings and love that I have this to look forward weekly.

We've been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather here in SoCal while most of the country has been experiencing insane amounts of snow. Lots of outdoor time, park dates, and even some kite-flying last week.

I've been loving new music by The Civil Wars. Beautiful harmonies!

I've been pining after Anthro's latest catalog, especially these boots, these shorts, this shirt, and this shirt. I'm going to try to piece together this outfit from more thriftier places using Polyvore as my guide. What a cool concept.

Happy Sunday!


  1. great catch up suz! love reading the current tid bits of life.

  2. Love the "pray more". This is also something that I feel God has put so deep on my heart lately. oh and ps. I totally do the 30 day shred video when kiddos are down. I love it. Have u ever heard of insanity. This is my latest workout vid:)
