Monday, December 29, 2008
I'm dreaming of an Oklahoma Christmas...
We arrived home safely from a wonderful time visiting family in Oklahoma for the holidays. We began our trip with a lesiurely drive to the Tulsa-area on Monday morning. We stopped for lunch in McCalister (one of the larger towns in OK), and arrived at my aunt Judy and uncle Tom's house in Owasso around 4pm. My cousin Laura (their daughter) met us and we drove to my aunt Jackie's house around the corner, spent several hours with her, and headed back to Tom and Judy's for dinner. The next day, we lounged around the house, enjoyed the cold weather, went out to lunch, and later Aunt Judy offered to watch Maggie for a little while, so Aron and I did some shopping and enjoyed getting out sans-Maggie. It was wonderful! That night, my other cousin, Alycia, (Tom and Judy's other daughter) and her husband and kiddos came over and we ate dinner and enjoyed more family time. Cameron, 11, especially enjoyed playing with Maggie. After Maggie went to bed, we played cards with the boys until about 9pm, then the two of us went to a movie. We vacilated on what to see, but ended up in "The Tale of Despereaux" which was a well-made cartoon, with a unique story (though not one I think needs to be seen in theaters). On Christmas Eve morning we ate breakfast at a local restaurant with more of the Tulsa family. Afterwards, we headed out and made the 2 hour drive into Oklahoma City to stay with Aunt Peggy and Uncle Bill. We went to a Christmas Eve service and Maggie sat through the entire hour like a pro! We were so proud of her. On Christmas morning, we lounged around the house, and later, I made Christmas lunch for everyone. The food was good, the company even better. We opened gifts afterwards and it was great fun to watch Maggie tear into her goodies. My aunt and I did some after-Christmas shopping the next day, then a good friend of hers babysat Maggie while the 4 of us went to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which was outstanding--well-acted, filmed beautiful, and encompassing all the themes of a great film (love, loss, redemption). After a yummy breakfast at a local restaurant on Saturday morning, Aron, Maggie, and I headed back to Dallas. We throughly enjoyed our last trip as a family of 3. :) Maggie traveled fantastically and was such a blessing to all we saw; it brought us much joy to see her interact with family. Thanks for hosting us and loving on us!
Maggie with her new Radio Flyer tricycle from Pops and Mema (Aron's folks)
Grandma opening gifts
Uncle Bill contemplating if he will make breakfast the next morning
Aunt Peggy genuinely surprised at the uniquness of a gift from Uncle Bill--a box full of money! :)
My Grandpa and I
Plastic food from GAP (Maggie's name for my aunt--Great-Aunt Peggy)
The boys posing for the camera
pregnancy update #2
Confirmed at my OB appointment today, I have officially dropped and I'm at 2 cm, but still 50% effaced. This is all *very* exciting, as it's much more progress than I ever made with Maggie. The OB plans to do a gentle stripping of my membranes next Wednesday and we'll see what happens. My Group B Strep test (GBS) came back positive, which means I will have to be on antibiotics whenever I do labor, and this may cut into some of my time I hope to labor and have a successful VBAC, but still, I'm willing to push through!
Stay tuned. Belly shot for La. :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
pregnancy update
I can't believe our little boy will be here so soon! I changed my blog ticker so each time I view it, it says how many days are left--24 as of today! I'm still reading through a couple of books and mentally gearing up for another birth. I'm feeling good, we are right on schedule with weekly check-ups now and checks (ahem). As of last visit, I'm already at the dilation and effacement I was with Maggie at 41 weeks, so this is GOOD news for someone who is going for a VBAC. Keep praying that we'll be able to have him in this manner. Our little man is still quite the mover and stretcher (Maggie was a kicker--would move sporadically and with quick kicks--while he is always stretching, stretching, stretching). It's been neat to tell a difference, though there is no difference in how I have carried both of them--low and out. It's funny how some people stop me and say, "Wow, you are big! When are you due? You must be having a boy because you are carrying so low." And I just have to smile and say that I carried my daughter the same way; thus, not all wives tales are true. :)
I'm sure you are all chomping at the bit to know his patient! He's coming and at this point, I'll take him any time he chooses to show up.
I'm sure you are all chomping at the bit to know his patient! He's coming and at this point, I'll take him any time he chooses to show up.
current winter & christmas-time favorites
*Maggie often saying, "I love Christmas music," whenever we listen to it
*Scarves and sweaters
*Maggie singing most of "Jingle Bells" and shaking a bell to go along with it
*Acoustic Christmas music
*The Christmas music station
*The fact that See's Candy opens several stores in the area to sell goodies before the holidays
*Land of Lakes Hot Chocolates (especially in Graham Cracker, Mint, and Supreme)--this is the next-best thing to homemade
*Hershey's Mint Truffle Kisses
*Whenever we tuck Maggie in at night, she often says, "Just like baby Jesus," because at church a few weeks ago, they did a craft where they glued a felt blanket on a picture of Jesus in the manager
*And lastly, the fact that overall, it's been a relaxing and stress-free holiday season this year, and thus, I've been able to think on Christ and enjoy my family more than I can remember in years past
*Scarves and sweaters
*Maggie singing most of "Jingle Bells" and shaking a bell to go along with it
*Acoustic Christmas music
*The Christmas music station
*The fact that See's Candy opens several stores in the area to sell goodies before the holidays
*Land of Lakes Hot Chocolates (especially in Graham Cracker, Mint, and Supreme)--this is the next-best thing to homemade
*Hershey's Mint Truffle Kisses
*Whenever we tuck Maggie in at night, she often says, "Just like baby Jesus," because at church a few weeks ago, they did a craft where they glued a felt blanket on a picture of Jesus in the manager
*And lastly, the fact that overall, it's been a relaxing and stress-free holiday season this year, and thus, I've been able to think on Christ and enjoy my family more than I can remember in years past
holiday update
I've been on a bit of blogging hiatus, as the last couple of weeks have been relatively quiet with not too much to report. As of Friday, Aron has 2 weeks off from work and is done with fall semester classes, so we are soaking up all the time with him home that we can. It's been AMAZING so far! We've gone out several nights in a row and looked at lights with Maggie and given her a very small cup of hot chocolate each time; such a "special treat" as she calls it! :) The weather has cooled off considerably (though it did shoot back up into the 70s on Thursday), which always adds to the festive feel of this season. All my Christmas shopping is done and all gifts are mailed (I was actually done by the 12th, I can't believe it!).
Today, we are leaving for a week's visit in Oklahoma to see my extended family. I'm so excited about our road trip! Our first stop will be in the Tulsa-area to visit with my dad's side of the family for a few days. They do a big Christmas Eve breakfast that I haven't been to since I was little, so I'm looking forward it, as well as just spending time with aunts & uncles & cousins who I don't see regularly. Sometime later on Christmas Eve, we'll drive the 2 hours west into Oklahoma City and stay with my aunt & uncle (mom's sister--this is who I stay with whenever I visit OKC) and go to church at the church where I grew up. Should be wonderful! Christmas Day we plan to do lunch at their house with my grandparents and just relax. We may go see a movie that night or Friday night (as there are SO many good ones out now). My aunt and I will undoubtedly do a bit of after-Christmas shopping on Friday morning and then, Aron and I plan to return home sometime on Saturday, probably in the late afternoon. Maggie is excited about going on vacation!
Today, we are leaving for a week's visit in Oklahoma to see my extended family. I'm so excited about our road trip! Our first stop will be in the Tulsa-area to visit with my dad's side of the family for a few days. They do a big Christmas Eve breakfast that I haven't been to since I was little, so I'm looking forward it, as well as just spending time with aunts & uncles & cousins who I don't see regularly. Sometime later on Christmas Eve, we'll drive the 2 hours west into Oklahoma City and stay with my aunt & uncle (mom's sister--this is who I stay with whenever I visit OKC) and go to church at the church where I grew up. Should be wonderful! Christmas Day we plan to do lunch at their house with my grandparents and just relax. We may go see a movie that night or Friday night (as there are SO many good ones out now). My aunt and I will undoubtedly do a bit of after-Christmas shopping on Friday morning and then, Aron and I plan to return home sometime on Saturday, probably in the late afternoon. Maggie is excited about going on vacation!
christmas traditions
Several weeks ago, I blogged about my desire to share ideas for Christmas tradtions. Many of you commented/wrote me, and I have quite a few of my own, so I thought I'd better share before it was too late (or maybe to give you a jump start for next year). I was able to speak on this topic to my MOPS group earlier this month and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. This may be long, but I'll try to break it into sections. Hopefully, you can walk away with a some inspiration.
Advent Ideas (Advent is our preparation for the coming of Christ)
*Advent Candle Wreath—a wreath with 3 purple candles, 1 red candle and 1 white candle. It is done the 4 Sundays before Christmas and on Christmas day. You can find advent “family night” programs online or follow one that your church may be doing.
*Advent Calendars—Open a new window each day to count down to Christmas Eve. Can also make your own using red and green paper links, wrap 24 small gifts, etc.
*Advent Nativity Calendar—Put out a new piece of the Nativity each day
*Advent Tree—Put a candle on the tree each day to represent a prayer made that day.
*Make Ornamenents for a Jesse Tree--See link here.
Games & Fun
*Do Christmas Coloring Books or Jigsaw Puzzles
*Christmas Storybooks—Read special Christmas stories. Buy a new one each year or check out special stories from the library. My mom started the tradition of buying us a new one yearly and I continue it to this day! It's one of my favorite traditions (these books are only brought out at Christmas).
*Christmas Music—After Thanksgiving start playing your favorite Christmas CDs. Buy a new one each year (my friend Laurie and her husband do this yearly and I love it).
*Christmas Ornament—Buy one special ornament for each family member each year. Especially fun for kids and when they grow up, they can take them with them. Again, another that my family did and now, I'm doing with my own family.
*Draw Names for Stockings—when the children are old enough, have all family members draw names for stockings and fill accordingly.
*Research Favorite Christmas Traditions—Find out why we put up trees, hang stockings, sing carols, etc, and teach your children.
*Make your own Christmas crafts
*Find activities around town and go!
Thinking of Others
*Christmas Card Prayers—As you get Christmas cards in the mail, hang them up or put them in a basket. Each night at dinner, pick one of the cards and pray for the family that sent it to you.
*Participate in Christmas Giving—do Samaritan’s Purse, Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, gifts/cards for soldiers, caroling at a nursing home, write thank-you cards to people who help you all year, etc.
*Christmas Jar—put out a jar to collect spare change throughout the month of December and after Christmas, count the money and decide how you want to use it as a family to help someone in need. After I shared this at MOPS, one mom said that it might be a good idea to keep this jar out all year long to collect spare change in, and I think this is even better!
Decorating Traditions
*Getting a Tree/Putting up the Tree—Set aside time as a family to go find or set up your Christmas tree. Play Christmas music, have a special meal (could be dinner at Chick-fil-a) or have a special snack when done (hot apple cidar and cookies). Talk about past Christmases and share favorite ornaments
*Setting up Nativities—Have at least one special Nativity scene. Talk about the first Christmas. It may be fun to watch the Nativity Story ahead of time. Put yourself in the story and tell what you’d be thinking. You may want to keep Jesus out of the scene until Christmas Day. I will throw in that I'm quite passionate about having a nativity set that is not breakable so your kids can play with it (at least have one your kids can play with). Growing up, my parents had a set by Fontanini and now, I do, as well. Plus, I LOVE the authentic feel is has; very rustic and true-to-life (i.e. not a caucausian Jesus). :) Click here to see the set.
*Decorate a Gingerbread House Together
Christmas Cooking
*Baking Day—Set aside a special day to do your Christmas baking. You may want to pick some family favorites or try a couple new ones. Do with your family or perhaps with girlfriends only.
*Cookie Exchange—Gather friends and each bake several dozen cookies of different kinds. Swap the cookies so that you each go home with many different kinds of cookies.
*Traditional Meals—Every year have the same meal on Christmas morning (or whenever works for your family.
*Have an Annual Wassail Party--Invite friends and family over for hot wassail, Christmas goodies, and good times.
Christmas Eve Traditions
*New PJs—Each year let everyone open one present right before bed—new Christmas PJs. Cute for Christmas morning pictures! Or, open another gift or do stockings the night before.
*Let your kiddos sleep in the same room together and get up together the next day.
*Church Candlelight Service—Find a church in your area that has a service.
*Drive around town to look at lights
Christmas Day Traditions
*Read the Christmas Story--Before any other events take place, read the story together and pray to thank God for the most precious gift we can receive!
*Open Baby Jesus as your First Gift –wrap baby Jesus from any and all Nativity scenes that you have and open that as your first Christmas present.
*Open Presents One at a Time—to remind us that we are giving and receiving, and to enjoy the excitement of one another. I am quite passionate about this one. After all, shouldn't the kiddos have the opportunity to thank the person who gave them each gift? And enjoy it momentarily before ripping into the next one? And, isn't this a good opportunity to teach them patience and to share in the joy of others' getting gifts, as well?
*Have a Birthday Party for Jesus—have a cake, sing happy birthday to Jesus (idea for the cake—make it pure white with pure white frosting for the purity of Christ, use purple candles for His royalty and decorate with a small nativity scene
Advent Ideas (Advent is our preparation for the coming of Christ)
*Advent Candle Wreath—a wreath with 3 purple candles, 1 red candle and 1 white candle. It is done the 4 Sundays before Christmas and on Christmas day. You can find advent “family night” programs online or follow one that your church may be doing.
*Advent Calendars—Open a new window each day to count down to Christmas Eve. Can also make your own using red and green paper links, wrap 24 small gifts, etc.
*Advent Nativity Calendar—Put out a new piece of the Nativity each day
*Advent Tree—Put a candle on the tree each day to represent a prayer made that day.
*Make Ornamenents for a Jesse Tree--See link here.
Games & Fun
*Do Christmas Coloring Books or Jigsaw Puzzles
*Christmas Storybooks—Read special Christmas stories. Buy a new one each year or check out special stories from the library. My mom started the tradition of buying us a new one yearly and I continue it to this day! It's one of my favorite traditions (these books are only brought out at Christmas).
*Christmas Music—After Thanksgiving start playing your favorite Christmas CDs. Buy a new one each year (my friend Laurie and her husband do this yearly and I love it).
*Christmas Ornament—Buy one special ornament for each family member each year. Especially fun for kids and when they grow up, they can take them with them. Again, another that my family did and now, I'm doing with my own family.
*Draw Names for Stockings—when the children are old enough, have all family members draw names for stockings and fill accordingly.
*Research Favorite Christmas Traditions—Find out why we put up trees, hang stockings, sing carols, etc, and teach your children.
*Make your own Christmas crafts
*Find activities around town and go!
Thinking of Others
*Christmas Card Prayers—As you get Christmas cards in the mail, hang them up or put them in a basket. Each night at dinner, pick one of the cards and pray for the family that sent it to you.
*Participate in Christmas Giving—do Samaritan’s Purse, Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, gifts/cards for soldiers, caroling at a nursing home, write thank-you cards to people who help you all year, etc.
*Christmas Jar—put out a jar to collect spare change throughout the month of December and after Christmas, count the money and decide how you want to use it as a family to help someone in need. After I shared this at MOPS, one mom said that it might be a good idea to keep this jar out all year long to collect spare change in, and I think this is even better!
Decorating Traditions
*Getting a Tree/Putting up the Tree—Set aside time as a family to go find or set up your Christmas tree. Play Christmas music, have a special meal (could be dinner at Chick-fil-a) or have a special snack when done (hot apple cidar and cookies). Talk about past Christmases and share favorite ornaments
*Setting up Nativities—Have at least one special Nativity scene. Talk about the first Christmas. It may be fun to watch the Nativity Story ahead of time. Put yourself in the story and tell what you’d be thinking. You may want to keep Jesus out of the scene until Christmas Day. I will throw in that I'm quite passionate about having a nativity set that is not breakable so your kids can play with it (at least have one your kids can play with). Growing up, my parents had a set by Fontanini and now, I do, as well. Plus, I LOVE the authentic feel is has; very rustic and true-to-life (i.e. not a caucausian Jesus). :) Click here to see the set.
*Decorate a Gingerbread House Together
Christmas Cooking
*Baking Day—Set aside a special day to do your Christmas baking. You may want to pick some family favorites or try a couple new ones. Do with your family or perhaps with girlfriends only.
*Cookie Exchange—Gather friends and each bake several dozen cookies of different kinds. Swap the cookies so that you each go home with many different kinds of cookies.
*Traditional Meals—Every year have the same meal on Christmas morning (or whenever works for your family.
*Have an Annual Wassail Party--Invite friends and family over for hot wassail, Christmas goodies, and good times.
Christmas Eve Traditions
*New PJs—Each year let everyone open one present right before bed—new Christmas PJs. Cute for Christmas morning pictures! Or, open another gift or do stockings the night before.
*Let your kiddos sleep in the same room together and get up together the next day.
*Church Candlelight Service—Find a church in your area that has a service.
*Drive around town to look at lights
Christmas Day Traditions
*Read the Christmas Story--Before any other events take place, read the story together and pray to thank God for the most precious gift we can receive!
*Open Baby Jesus as your First Gift –wrap baby Jesus from any and all Nativity scenes that you have and open that as your first Christmas present.
*Open Presents One at a Time—to remind us that we are giving and receiving, and to enjoy the excitement of one another. I am quite passionate about this one. After all, shouldn't the kiddos have the opportunity to thank the person who gave them each gift? And enjoy it momentarily before ripping into the next one? And, isn't this a good opportunity to teach them patience and to share in the joy of others' getting gifts, as well?
*Have a Birthday Party for Jesus—have a cake, sing happy birthday to Jesus (idea for the cake—make it pure white with pure white frosting for the purity of Christ, use purple candles for His royalty and decorate with a small nativity scene
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
3 words: big girl bed
birthday party
Today we hosted a come-and-go dessert for Maggie's birthday party. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with good friends. Maggie received some wonderful gifts and enjoyed playing with her friends. Even though not all are pictured, we just wanted to express our thanks to Greg, Patti, & Grayson, Erin, Christian, & Hudson, Renee, Sheldon, & Pierce, Nicole & Madeline, Tammy, Rick, Michelle, & Jonah, Allison, Jason, & Charlotte, Bethany, Cademon, & Asher for coming and celebrating with us!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
happy 2nd birthday, Maggie!
Today Maggie turns 2 years old! What a wonderful, spunky, thoughtful child she is. It's been an incredible journey to be her parents these last two years and see all the ways that she has grown and changed. We love you, girl, and are so thankful you are in our family.
Enjoy a few snapshots of Mags opening presents. Thank you to all family and friends for sharing in her birthday with calls, gifts, and cards.
Attempting to hold up "2" fingers
Enjoy a few snapshots of Mags opening presents. Thank you to all family and friends for sharing in her birthday with calls, gifts, and cards.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
happy birthday, Love!
Today is my wonderful husband's birthday! We went out to dinner and we had some good life conversations. It was an enjoyable and much-needed relaxing evening. Aron, I'm so thankful for you, for your unselfish giving of your time and energy on a daily basis to both Maggie and me, for your encouragement in my walk to know Christ more, for your like-minded support in raising our children, for your continued perserverance in a job that is not your passion, for your always-listening ear and always-servant's heart.
Happy birthday, Love. Here is to another year of life together...who knows what it will hold!? :)
Happy birthday, Love. Here is to another year of life together...who knows what it will hold!? :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
34+ week belly pic
Today, we visited Northpark Mall with our friends Avery and her mama, Molly, and saw the wonderful train display! Maggie was totally enthralled with all the displays and trains. There were tiny villages set up, a circus, Mount Rushmore, NYC, and more. I'm excited to go every year now; what a wonderful holiday tradition to start!
Maggie and mama (this is her ongoing attempt to "smile" for the camera) :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
wordless wednesday
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