Thursday, May 6, 2010


It's been one of those weeks, well, really 2 of those weeks. Ironically, the 2 weeks before the previous 2 weeks were outstanding with my kiddos. They were just "on" and I was loving motherhood. Then, colds hit us last week and my kiddos got crabby and cranky and lost sleep and appetite. It's been a taxing time for me, especially with Maggie. She's just been emotionally needy on a new dimension. Trying to navigate emotional waters is a tough one. Needless to say, I start my day in prayer and pray throughout each day because man, I just feel like I'm running on empty by the end of the day.

Thank goodness for The Original Pancake House. And their flippin' amazing 49ers--3 crepe-like pancakes, as big as the plate and oh-so-buttery delicious. The 3 of us enjoyed them on Tuesday for lunch.

Yes, lunch at 1:30pm.

Again, just one of those weeks.

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