Friday, September 29, 2006

Pregnancy and the global community

I was sharing with my OB (whom I LOVE) several weeks ago what various people (whom I do not know) have said to me regarding my pregnancy. I get either one of two responses: "You look great! All your weight is in the belly" or "Are you carrying twins?! You are HUGE!" My OB insighfully remarked, "There is something about pregnant women and the global community at large--they think they own pregnant women and can touch them and give them advice at anytime." I have found this quite true. Not too many people rub the belly without permission, but most will comment about my size. My OB said at times like these she wants to say, "Are you a doctor? Do you know how I should be progressing right now?" Yesterday, I measured 31 inches at 31 weeks (perfect); my weight gain is great--all according to my OB. She told me a story about her and a good friend of hers (who is also an OB and was pregnant at the time). They were in Starbucks and the barista took the order, then when giving them the drinks focused on the pregnant friend and remarked, "Can I ask you something? You really shouldn't be drinking that, should you?" in a matter-of-fact manner. The OB actually went off on this woman, telling her that it was quite fine to have some caffeine during pregnancy, that she was in-fact an OBGYN and this woman should mind her own business. Flustered, the barista backed off.

Now, I'm not sure I'll be quite that menacing when responding to the next person that gives me an unwanted opinion or asks an unwelcome question, but I'll just remember that I trust my OB and all is fine with me and bebe M.


  1. that's too funny about the ob & the barrista. But as a friend i do think you need to lay off on the 12 tequila shots before bed every night. I know you didn't want me to tell anyone. But I thnk it's time for an intervention in this community of blogging. We love you and your bebe. Put down the bottle please.

  2. Yes, well, Mel, thanks to friends like you, I am feeling the need to seek some treatment...

  3. It always used to tick me off when people would ask me when the baby was due and then procede to tell me how HUGE I was!! I usually responded with a very short, tight small which hopefully indicated to them how dumb and unappreciated their comment was. Seriously though, what does make people think they can just tell a perfect stranger their opinions about how they look or come up and touch their belly? I only had one male do that (he was good friend of ours, but nonetheless, it was quite startling, and a little awkward).

    I think you look lovely! You look good pregnant, and you know I would just say that to say it. :)

  4. it seems we all have stories like this. while i was preggo, a girl asked at a party if i was having twins...uh, nope. and, a few weeks ago, (and i would gladly take the twin questions and maybe even an unwanted belly rub over this any day), a lady at lowe's asked me when i was due. lovely. gee, hmmm, not pregnant. awkward. sigh. at any rate, you are a lovely preggo woman suz, and i say the bigger the belly, the more beautiful...i loved my big belly! as always, can't wait until her arrival!

  5. Ugh, Heth, that's awful. Why don't people just keep their mouths shut in general unless they know for sure? Sheesh. Well, I think you are looking lovely these days, so who cares what others say??
