Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Word-filled Wednesday

Since we don't have the camera software to upload pics right in CA, I decided to post some Maggie updates. We'll put up shots of our trip this weekend. In the last two weeks, we've seen Mags:

*Discover her thumb and chew on it (she really doesn't suck it for long just yet). She started with the right and now is trying to master the left.
*Make high pitched noises when "talking" to us
*Laugh a deep, gutteral laugh (just yesterday) as my friend was singing "Old MacDonald" to her
*Grasp objects and put them in her mouth (although she sometimes misses)
*Follow objects and people better from far away
*Hold onto her bottle during feedings


  1. How great!!! Zoe is doing those things too!! :) Isn't it so fun??

  2. Wow, I can't believe Mags is already doing this stuff.

    I'm glad the trip is going well...looking forward to talking next week. I must admit I missed you like crazy today. We went to the Arbor and I could just picture G and Mags in front of the pretty tulips.

    Miss you tons- patti
