Sunday, December 16, 2007

bits of random in tandem

*We bought Maggie's big girl carseat this weekend and she loves it. She probably should have been in it a solid 8 weeks ago, but I just wanted to stick to the law on this one, not entirely sure why. Both TX and IL law is 1 year and 20 pounds. She is enjoying facing forward like the rest of us!

*She started whole milk on Friday...big girl! She also says "Uh-oh" all the time. Too funny.

*We found a neighborhood that has a fantastic light display here in Plano. If you live nearby, it's a MUST to drive through. They even offer free horse carriage rides that take you to the best houses. I can't wait to go back with my folks when they get here:

*Speaking of, mom and dad fly in Wednesday and stay until New Year's Day and S&S arrive Christmas Day and leave the same day as M&D. I love family visits!! I'm already planning activities and meals to cook.

* The best deal of all this weekend was my aunt telling me she took our Christmas card pic to church today and all our old friends said, "Maggie looks JUST.LIKE.HER.MOM when she was younger." I JUST KNEW Maggie had some of me in her.


  1. How is Maggie liking the Vit D milk? Zoe loves it! She drinks a lot less than she used to. :) Eats more, though! It's funny how naturally milk becomes a drink and not a meal when they are switched.

    Woo Hoo for front facing car seats! Zoe has been in hers for several months now. She loves it. I put her in hers when she was 18 1/2 pounds. She is now about 21 or 22 pounds I think. Just did what I thought was best. Just worked out best.

    Maggie definitely sounds like she is doing well! What size clothes is she wearing now?

  2. Shey--Mags seems to be doing well with the milk switch. Indeed, it is different that it will not be the main source of nutrition from here on out. She is wearing size 18-24 on average, but sometimes depends on the brand.

  3. Wow, Deerfield seems amazing. You are really making me miss the States especially during Christmas with all the festivities. Miss you guys. Hope you have a great holiday season!
