Friday, December 14, 2007


Our daughter is a genius. She did the sign for "more" for the first time on Tuesday night at our Life Group Christmas party! I almost fell out of my chair. We have been practicing with her since she started sitting in the high chair, albeit not terribly consistently until the last couple of months. She also did "all done" earlier this week! I know alot of other babies sign, but when your child does it for the first time and really understands what they are doing, it's pretty awesome!

Aron saw it for the first time last night and was all smiles. I told him we have to film it and put it on the blog.

Addendum: After reading this post, Aron told me I was a dork for writing that she is so smart because all parents think that about their kids. My response: Apparently, all parents have not met Maggie. lol


  1. not sure how you guys feel about videos but i really like the 'signing time' ones. it's really chill sweet and owen totally learned a bunch of signs. you're right it is super fun to see your kid learn. wait til maggie talks in sentences! it's insanely good stuff. xoxo

  2. Way to go, Mags! Such an exciting moment. Tell A he's on crack and that yes, all parents think their kids are smart, but all parents also take part in other parents' appreciation of their kids too. Wow, that was a mouthful; the point being that we like to hear this stuff!


  3. YEAH MAGGGIE!! It is so exciting plus it help with communication soooo much.

    Tell aron not to worry G is gifted too!

  4. that is great! Haven't gotten around to teaching either of my kids sign language, but I am sure I will one day.

    Yes, Aron is right, every parent thinks their kid(s) is/are a genius. :) haha.

  5. congrats maggie! that is awesome. jake does the sign for bottle whenever he wants ANYTHING. so i'm not sure he is really grasping the concept yet!

  6. Wow! you guys have recently hit some big milestones in your lives. I love keeping updated on y'all even though we rarely talk. I still feel connected through your thoughts and reflections you share. I can't believe it's been a year, but what a great year to celebrate! Love ya

  7. I'm pretty sure Maggie is gifted, it will be so much fun for you guys to see the ways in which she is gifted as she grows older. Can't wait for Lauren to learn to sign something... it would help if Jace and I were using the same signs for thing ;) We think Lauren just learned to wave "Hi" and are very excited about it.

  8. By the way, we got your Christmas card yesterday. Very cute! ;)

  9. go mags! it's so fun when the kiddos start signing...i love it! and it's so great to get those synapses firing. it's cool for communication, but i'm liking this stage with owen where he signs things he has an interest in just for fun. he can't seem to say the word bird or airplane without automatically doing the sign cute! owen's first was "more" too...and "all done." Keep us updated on her new signs!
