Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mindless fun

Or, with all my spare time, I could play this game for hours...

What is YOUR high score?


  1. Alright, at first I didn't read the instructions, so I crashed and burned before I realized what happened. After 5 tries my score was 571. How did you do, sista?

  2. OK, Z man will tell you my eye/hand coordination is the pits! After a gazillion tries, my best was only 392. Shan, I feel ya, I didn't read instructions at first either and my little copter sputtered into a nose dive. :(

  3. After several tries, I got 962. Aron does much better than I do.

  4. so i wasn't the only one to misread the directions? good. signs that you should quit playing: 1) when you start yelling at the screen things like "chopper down!" or "pull up, pull up!" 2) even though you told yourself that you'd quit after you broke your high score, you have to try just one more time 3)you start to feel bad about the helicopter pilot and his many deaths.
    STOP the madness i tell you!!

  5. 806----I didn't even know there were instructions....maybe I should find those.

