Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Patti tagged me in a post, so here we go; enjoy!

On Marriage...

How long have you been together? 11 years...married for 5.4 (Meg, that was for you! hehe)

How old is he? the big 3-0

Who eats more? aron (what a strange question because, well, who really cares!? i love food too).

Who said I love you first? I honestly don't know; I think him, but I was pretty agressive back then, so it might have been me (for shame!)

Who is taller? Aron

Who sings better? Is this a serious question!?? If I have to answer this, then you must not know us. :)

Who is smarter? *so* Aron (although, he is very good at affirming my intellect)

Who does the laundry? mostly me, but he totally isn't opposed to helping out

Who does the dishes? see previous question

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me

Who pays the bills? James Hardie

Who mows the lawn? no one at this time

Who cooks dinner? mostly me

Who drives when you are together? Aron, though if he hasn't really seen Maggie, he'll sit in back and hang out with her

Who is more stubborn? that's hard but I think I must admit it is me

Who kissed who first? it was all me...for shame! :) and a little fun trivia...i was aron's first and only kiss...

Who asked who out? i think we just mutually agreed to hang out one night and well, the rest is history

Who proposed? thank goodness, Aron

Who is more sensitive? while Aron has totally kept me balanced, I'm the more sensitive one for sure

Who has more friends? me; I tend to keep up with quite a few that don't live nearby, too.

Who has more siblings? him (1 sister, 1 brother), and me, well, you all know my lovely sister, Shannon!

Who wears the pants in the family? really? I don't like this question...probably Aron, but I feel we have a really healthy relationship that I can speak my mind and he totally listens to me and respects me.

I tag (those who I think will actually do this...): La (of course), Shannon, Renee, Megan (because I want to learn new things about you!), Shey, Bailey, and Amy...and any one else who wants to do this!


  1. thanks for pleasing me...I enjoy learning things about other before I met them.

  2. I was tagged! haha! Some weird questions, but I will answer them with humor and honesty. ;) Prob tomorrow. I love learning things about you ... & Aron! I love that you were his first and only kiss. That is so cool. ;)

  3. AHHH!!! you got me. ok, will the morning! night night!

  4. You? Aggressive? I totally don't see it.

    You tagged me? You got it, babe!

  5. Who drives when you are together? Aron, though if he hasn't really seen Maggie, he'll sit in back and hang out with her.

    This is sweet.
