Thursday, May 17, 2007

American Idol

While it was disappointing to see Melinda leave (she by far was the most consistent singer; she's the professional), I was thrilled to see Blake make it through to the top 2. Next week, we'll either be singing the praise of Lewis or Sparks!


  1. I know what you mean. But, I don't think Melinda will have trouble getting a job after this. So happy to see that my three votes for Blake Tuesday night counted!

  2. I really wasn't disappointed to see Melinda leave. I have had a feeling for the past couple of weeks that Jordin is going to win. While it would be *great* if Blake won, I just have a feeling that Jordin is the next American Idol, but we shall see! I am, however, ::crossing:: my fingers for {Blake}. :)

  3. i thought jordin would have gotten the boot this past week, but alas, i was wrong. D & i were saying that blake was going to be in the finale b/c of all of the teen girl votes he surely got. i was laughing so hard seeing all of the braces screaming at him at his homecoming. hilarious. i must say i was kinda boy crazy back in the day a much more subdued way of course. xoxo

  4. Agreed. Melinda will definitely not have trouble with a music career. I have a feeling that Jordin will probably win (she's never been in the bottom votes at all, has she?), but I'm still rooting for Blake. And yes, Tines, I thought it was hilarious how all the tweeny girls were swooning over Blake.
