Sunday, August 30, 2009

100 freakin' degrees

When it's this hot out, what do we do? Make a make-shift pool for Mags (who played in it for 2 solid hours), I stay indoors with C, cleaning and organizing, and Aron does hard labor, building 4 rolling shelves for our garage. Pics to come!


  1. I saw there was a heat wave - awful. I told some of our palo alto buddies that for once I was glad to be out here instead of there - it's starting the fall cool down!! hope your heat is short lived. xoxo

  2. love that shot of mags, is she totally nakie? so cute. & go A, working the power tools! xo

  3. *sigh* can we come play, please? it's already to cool here for water play!

    i love the creativity of the make shift pool :) maggie will just LOVE that pic someday, hehe. i hope all is well there!

  4. Good it makes you feel like you are back in texas! honestly, been staying in most of the days until the sun goes down.

    love the sketchbook and will be going to look for your cool new book find. Good times!!

  5. I can't wait to take the girls swimming when it cools down! In the meantime we'll have to stick to the bathtub. ;)
