Monday, January 25, 2010

rethinking media

I'm taking month-long, much-needed Facebook and Twitter break (I just read people's Tweets, I don't really do many myself). And I'm also taking the apps off my Iphone; I just check them way too much, it's annoying the heck out of me. I'm just realizing I have this real need to be on top of things in people's lives, in media, etc. and I need to regain some balance. I also do such things (sometimes) in place of interacting fully with my kids and it drives me nuts. I plan to still blog and to set back in place some email limits for myself (per this very wise post from a favorite blog of mine called Simple Mom). I *especially* love the idea of setting a time limit when I'm on it. I wish in so many ways that my in-laws did not have cable. It's just too easy to veg out in front of stuff. I really loved not having TV. We just watched all our shows online through Hulu or Netflix. I'm still trying to decide how much of a TV and movie hiatus I want to take. "Lost"s final season begins next week and I hate to be out of the loop right away, but maybe that's the point of this whole thing. We have 2 other shows we watch, Bones and Fringe. Anyway. I think maybe I'll still watch those, but nothing else. Like when TV is on at night, just go back to our room and read, or work on researching some fun games/crafts/school stuff for the kiddos. And when I'm on the computer I want to be purposeful and browse favorite sites that help me enjoy the kids more during the day as I create fun activities for them and work on school time with Maggie.

I also like to read/browse the paper every morning (my father-in-law has a subscription) and that also falls right in the category of wanting to be on top of things, feel in the know. These are not bad things, in case you are getting miffed and thinking I'm judging anyone who reads papers/blogs/watches TV. I've just found that I've created a really unhealthy dependence and even identity for a number of months now in being in the know and this isn't good for me. Hope that makes sense. I still plan to blog daily, but just really limit how much energy I give to these various forms of media.


  1. good for you! be strong! :) I know you can, and He is honored by this.

  2. I'm sure we'd all be amazed at how much time would be opened up for our kids and other, meaningful hobbies (e.g., reading) if we just stopped wasting time on our media--not even stopping doing it altogether, just stopping the frivolous, time-wasting browsing.

  3. I love reading your thoughts on things Suzanne, I feel the same way about spending so much time on our computer/watching tv and I'm trying not to quite so much. I needed a new phone and almost bought an i phone yesterday but I don't want another way to distract me!!

  4. We struggle with technology making our lives more crazy instead of more simple. There is way to much "noise" to balance. We too need to cut some things out. We are instituting silent nights here where there is no tv, music, nothing. Instead we will color, play with quiet toys and read for an hour. However, we are greatly anticipating LOST. I am counting the days.

  5. That will be so great Suz. My parents don't have a T.V. and it is so great when the girls and I get to go up every summer! I think it's awesome!

  6. I have been trying to make an effort to limit the time I spend on the computer doing useless things...some days I am more successful then others, lol. But I totally get where you are coming from and think it's great that you are doing what you are doing :)

    Sometimes I also feel that FB especially gives people a false sense of connection and they let friendships slip, if that makes sense. Yes, you may know what someone ate for lunch yesterday, but certainly not the connection you would make if you made a phone call or even wrote an email. This is something I've been trying to avoid lately.

    Anyway, good for you!
