Thursday, August 4, 2011


Before I left California, a group of my girlfriends came together for dinner one night at the yummy Cafe Rio (and coffee afterwards at the best place, Coffee Bean) to wish me off. What a wonderful night it was, being with my closest friends all in one place! I'm grateful for my MOPS friends--Katie, Casey, Lissa, Amy, Cassi, Jodie, and Chrissy--for Jessie (who left before this pic was taken) my friend who I met at DTS when our family was moving back here in 2009 (she and her husband were, too!), for Kayleen (who came for coffee afterwards, my newest friend and "soul sister"), and for my other wonderful friends, most of who I have known since high school and college and who have remained close all these years later (each was in my wedding, so fun!)--Linds, Cayla, and Lisa.

I love (and hate) how friendships come into your life at just the right season, and then how often, they change, be it because of a physical moving away or just a change in life seasons (joining new groups, new churches, change in schools, etc). In all the moves we have had in the last 6 years, I have had a variety of changing relationships and I've come to be grateful for each one; I'm grateful for each of these girls who came into my life at just the right season, who walked with me through life's ups and downs. I'm grateful for the laughter, the time spent, the playdates, the mom-dates, the listening ears, the prayer and spurring each other on in motherhood.

Thank you, sweet friends, for such a special night!


  1. I so feel the same way...loving and at the same time hating how friendships change. We've moved 5 times in the last 6 years and I am so grateful for the friendships I've had during those times. They were so perfect for that particular season but then I miss them, even though they wouldn't be the same now. Anyways, hope you guys are getting settled in Dallas, glad you could have one last hang out with your girlfriends!!
