Monday, August 1, 2011

We are still here!

A month since my last post, almost a month since we have moved into our apartment in Dallas, and a month to the day that we found out we are having baby #4!

A lot has changed in 30 days.

Isn't it interesting how some months the days D.R.A.G by and you look and most every day of your week is left? Some days are so mundane you feel you could pull your hair out or punch yourself in the face? Ok, maybe that's just me. Sometime I enjoy mundane, many times, I do not.

And then, there are months filled with changes or trips or playmates or parties or fill-in-the-blank and time races by and the next thing you know, a new month has arrived? For me, the later has been true--the month of July has been a vapor, come and gone and brought a new season of time for us.

In July, we unpacked our life and set up shop in a 2-bedroom apartment, took Curren to the emergency room on the first night we were here because we were pretty sure he had swallowed a bolt for the bunk bed (he didn't), gave away a ton of stuff that didn't fit (and I was glad to, I am loving more and more the idea of living simply), saw one of my oldest friends, Elicia, and her sweet family, gone blueberry picking at Blueberry Hill Farms about 80 miles east of Dallas, met new friends, saw old friends, figured out how to survive in almost 30 days of over-100 degree heat (stay indoors, or go out early and play), navigated old stomping grounds rather successfully, visited a few churches, had our first ultrasound, and in general, are just figuring out what it looks like to do life in Dallas. Again.

I'm reading 2 fantastic books: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, a book about finding true joy of the Lord through a life-lived in gratitude and Give Them Grace by Elise Fitzpatrick, a parenting book that is changing how I parent and has had me in tears more than once.

I've had bouts of loneliness, settling back into life here and missing friends and family in California, but ultimately, I know God has called us to finish school and do so here in Dallas. In many ways, coming back has been a good thing as it's a familiar place and there are familiar faces. If one is going to move across country, what better place than a place that was once "home?"


  1. Love and miss your busy, prego self! Glad to see some pics of the kiddos and how you're adjusting...

  2. those blueberry pics are so great Suz. so good to read your blog update. i can't believe you've been in Dallas for almost a month?! crazy. thinking of you friend as you adjust. praying. love you. xo

  3. I just started Give them Grace!!!
