Monday, August 1, 2011

Just so it's official: we are having another baby!

I am 8 weeks along, not 10 like I had originally thought and baby #4 is due March 11. What a GREAT month, lots of good friends and family have birthdays right around the 11, so maybe baby McKay will share a birthday with someone else we love. Secretely, I am hoping for another boy (we already have the name!), but of course, another girl will be equally loved (no name yet).

I'm feeling good, a bit yucky on and off most days, just like with the other pregnancies, but this one seems to be the "best" so far. I'll be honest and say I'm not super excited about how this is already affecting my body; it's something I'm really battling. I've never really gotten back in shape since Maggie's birth 4 1/2 years ago, so I'm starting off the heaviest and already looking very preggo. I'm slowly starting back to exercise (walking, swimming, light weights), but there is a ways to go for me to be comfortable in my own and skin, and bottom line, I'm pregnant, so my body is just going to change over the next 9 months whether I like it or not. I'm grateful for what the body is capable of, growing a little person and birthing him/her into this world, it's quit miraculous and I'm trying to focus on this, be easy on myself and not get too down. It's been a bit of a battle most days, truthfully. Something I'm having to surrender to the Lord many times a day.


  1. Woo hooooooooo!!!! :)

    Loved all the posts today.

  2. you know that name will be safe with me...if you want to share:) love the pic of mags w/ the ultrasound pic! sweet. are you feeling ok? super tired still i'm sure. sick? can't wait for this baby! yayyyy!!! congrats! xo

  3. Hooray!!!!!!
    March is a GREAT birthday month!!!!!
    (no, not mine...but all my boys!)

  4. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I think 4 kids is the perfect #!! I am praying that you are adjusting well with all of the changes!
