Erin and I met while teaching together in Garland 3 years ago and have stayed friends ever since. Once we moved back to Texas, I asked if she'd like to be my "Friday morning coffee buddy." Many of you may know that my sister, Shannon, and I met for early morning Friday coffee for almost 5 years, starting in California after we were each married and continuing until we both moved away from Texas in 2006. I have sorely missed the weekly catch up with my sister in this way; it was *such* a special time! I hoped to continue with a good friend here, and Erin was game. So, we've been getting together, weekly, for the past year and a half and it's fantastic. It's a time of encouragement in all aspects of life. Our first kiddos are only 2 weeks apart and we got pregnant with our seconds at the same time in April last year. We also go to the same OB (whom we LOVE) and were both trying for a VBAC this time around. I was overjoyed when I heard the news on the 3rd that she had been successful! God is so good!
that's so awesome how you and she have been following the same path...teaching together...toddlers the same age...pregnant the second time together...same desire to have natural VBACs...and HOW AWESOME that you both were able to have success! Praise God!