Friday, January 9, 2009

pregnancy update #3

While I have less than 1 week until my estimated due date (I prefer this term), I will take this little boy any time! At my OB appointment on Wednesday of this week, I was dilated 2-3 cm and 75% effaced. I've made progress weekly, so this is a good sign! I've also gained about 6 pounds of water weight which is just crazy to me. I've been walking daily, resting, and drinking red raspberry leaf tea. I've had some cramping on and off for several days, but nothing has come of it. Hopefully, next time I post I will have a baby in my arms. We are still in waiting mode...


  1. crossing my fingers that you will soon be holding that sweet baby boy in your arms!

  2. We're all waiting to find out this little guy's name! I hope he decides to come soon!

  3. "those that wait upon the Lord..." so SOON!!!
